815 263 5285


 Guest Book
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Thank you for

visiting my website.

You will see my



Collies & Shelties

who share their

love with me.









 Cindy Lou is available.  She is six months old and sweet as can be.

Serious inquiries only please.

815 263 5285  


Please call 815 263 5285 for more information.

Carol Steiner/Breeder/Owner-Handler

AKC Conformation Judge 94113-Specialty Judge for Collies & Shelties

AKC Breeder Of Merit

 Collies & Shelties of True Breed Temperament, Health & Intelligence

Cell phone  815 263 5285




"Danny"  Honeyblossom's Secrets Surrendered

Introducing "KATIE"

Honeyblossom's Secret Mystery Girl



Honeyblossom Collies & Shelties are nurtured in a very loving home with true

  dedication to produce quality in health, temperament, intelligence and longevity.

Honeyblossom Collies & Shelties make loving and loyal companions.

My Collies excel in the Conformation & the Performance ring.

Proud Breeder/Owner-Handler - Carol Steiner 815 485 7022

AKC Conformation Judge 94113


GCh. Ch. Honeyblossom's Secret Agent Man CD BN GN HIC THD CGC

My special boy "PATRICK"


Ch. Honeyblossom's Angels Keep Secrets (18 months old)

Grand points-5 point major, champion defeated. (6 points to date)

Sire-GCH. CH. Honeyblossom's Secret Agent Man CDX BN TDI HIC GN

Dam-Honeyblossom's Tropical Peach Delight



I was the little girl who wore coveralls, had a turtle in her pocket and a puppy as my shadow.  Never being able to afford a pedigree Collie, my parents allowed me to have mixed breeds.

Of course, I would pick from the litter the puppy that reminded me most of beautiful "Lassie."  Oh, the white blaze and white collar and can't forget the white tip on the tail were definite markings that you owned a Collie.

Later in life, a pedigree Collie named "Summer" came into my life.  My girl loved her every minute with me and I cherished our time in play and working for those performance titles.

I became dedicated to the Collie breed and wanted to learn everything about them.  I learned the Collies coat was its crowning glory and thus I learned to groom my Collies with style and perfection.

From the obedience ring to the conformation ring, I presented my quality Collies to the judges. I pride myself with homebred champions.  Thus, responsibility of my Collies is totally mine.  Breeding, raising the young, healthcare, doing all my own handling at the shows, is a love of enjoyment.

When you look into the eyes of a Collie, your heart takes over with their melting expression and a bonding begins that will last forever.  My Collies helped me raise my four children and even helped to train my husband learning patience and understanding.  You can count on the Collie to be a loyal family member that does not want to stray from home but always protective to the ones it loves.

When I put my arms around my Collies and say the words "I Love You" tears come to my eyes as they mean so much to me.  God has given me a special gift in the Collie and you will feel a sense of honor by bringing a Collie into your life.

As you can see,  a new love has come into my life.  Four years ago, I purchased my first Sheltie named "Vinnie."  What a joy to own.   I have begun my show career with my Shelties and soon "Vinnie" and "Ricky" will be champions as they both only need one major to earn their title. 


I am honored to have been accepted into the

American Kennel Club

Breeder of Merit Program.